Rosales Web Design
Rosales Web Design
Casa Grande Lakes Blvd N
Casa Grande, AZ
(520) 560-6271

Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is the process which a web designer uses to increase traffic to a website through search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. The higher the ranking within search engines the more traffic your website will receive.

We work closely with our clients to optimize the website for the keywords that are used most. We can also define a target market and optimize the keywords and content to attract the defined market.

Experienced web designers use many techniques to increase traffic and exposure for the website. Basic search engine optimization techniques are employed for free in all of our web designs.

Social Media Consulting
•Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and LinkedIn. These are the main social media sites. Which should you use and how do they work together?
•Should you be Tweeting? A serious strategy with a silly name.
•When to blog and when to post comments: should you launch your own blog or leave comments on others?
•How do you manage risk associated with social media?
•Discuss resources to integrate social media with your current web presences and marketing scheme
•Stats and ROI how you can measure and track!
•Custom graphic designs for your social media campaigns which help brand your business.
Smart marketing in a recession is about building long-term relationships. Most folks are not ready to buy. Everyone is ready to connect.

Your fan page, your blog, your Twitter account, your YouTube channel make your organization human and credible. They allow your potential contacts engage with you, right now.

If the only thing people find on a Google search is your static corporate site, you lose. With millions of consumers reading blogs, Twittering and spending time on Facebook, your audience expects to be able to conversate with you. And they expect you to deliver value, even if you're not making a sale.

The Web 2.0 train has left the station. I can show you how to jump on quickly, tie it into your current web presence or do it all from scratch, website, social media and brand everything to create a web presence that will drive your business.

Copyright 2009
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