4251 North Kearny Drive
Prescott Valley, AZ
"We Make Your Door Swing and Your Phone Ring"
We Advertise Websites!
What? No one told you you needed to advertise? How well are you doing now without it? If you are like most local business website owners, the answer is lousy. You spent a nice chunk of change to have a professional design your beautiful website and launch it onto the Information Super Highway.
Then what happened? You waited. You told family, friends and customers. You waited some more. You are still waiting but nothing is happening. Here is why.
Many web designers are very good at what they do but have little understanding of what it takes to get prospects to your website. It is plain as day when we do a website analysis how well the site will do as a prospect generator. Many do not follow basic 'best practice standards' that are necessary to rank well enough to attract enough attention to be worth while.
How Much Have You Budgeted To Advertise Your Website?
You will face three choices to answer this question. You can hire it done. You can do it yourself. Or you can do a combo of the two.
You should take an active role in creating your web presence no matter what you decide. It is just too important not to.
We work closely with local business owners and managers to make sure they get online the right way to attract search engine traffic and get their offer seen before their competition's. We guarantee top placements for our clients. Give us a call at 800-771-2587 or 928-772-7285 ( in Arizona) between 9 to 6 Mountain Standard Time to go over things.
But Hurry!
The local Internet is wide open for the aggressive local merchant or service provider who will dominate their local space in ways that offline advertising and promotion either can not do or can no longer do. But the window of opportunity is closing.
