Design Veteran
Design Veteran
1514 Eagle Ridge Road
Prescott, Arizona 86301
A smart business marketing strategy combines a strong web presence with traditional print marketing tools. We offer unique, integrated marketing services in multiple medias that eliminate the need to hire a separate design firm for each product.
Many web design firms employ assembly line production techniques to create "cookie cutter" sites for their clients. While this approach may be profitable for the web design company, it does not result in a final product which suits the unique needs of the client. DesignVeteran recognizes that each client is unique. We take the time to research and understand your business, existing systems and goals before assembling a custom solution that fits your enterprise.
Our keywords are flexibility and scalability. We work with both emerging and well-established businesses who have different budget considerations. We'll assist you in discovering what components are essential to your site's design and feasible given the resources you have available.
Our solutions effectively market your products or services, integrate with your existing systems, and can adapt as your business grows.
Copyright © 2004-2006
