Digital Brushstrokes
Digital Brushstrokes
22 Tubac Road
P.O. Box 4134
Tubac Arizona 85646
office: 520.398.2576

Not all clients express an interest in developing a presence on the major search engines. For those that do, we offer comprehensive services to promote and position your site on Google, Alta Vista, Yahoo! and others.

Our Search Engine Optimization Services are designed to launch your Web site to the top of the search engine results. The following is what we will do to improve your ranking in the major search engines:

•Analyze your existing Web pages.
•Based on our analysis we will make changes to your pages to improve or maintian your ranking.
•Submit your pages to the major U.S and International search engines.
•Track the number of visitors to your site, where they came from, and what keywords they used to find you. (When you also purchase AWStats, see below)
•Monthly report on your positions on each search engine for each keyword you are targeting. (Premium Service Only.)
Cost for this service:
Basic Service - $60 per month. Includes twice a month SEO and end of month report.

Target Search Engines. Many of the search engines offer various versions of pay-per-click. We recommend Google as a great starting place to experiment with this, and info can be found at:

Web Site Statistics
A web site should always be evolving. By using web site statistics you can make sure your web site evolves in the most useful direction. AWStats is a short for Advanced Web Statistics. A full log analysis enables AWStats to show you the following information:

•Number of visits, and number of unique visitors
•Visits duration and last visits
•Days of week and rush hours (pages, hits, KB for each hour and day of week)
•Domains/countries of hosts visitors (pages, hits, KB, 269 domains/countries detected)
•Most viewed, entry and exit pages
•Browsers used (pages, hits for each browser, each version, 93 browsers: Web, Wap, Media browsers...)
•Operating Systems used (pages, hit for each OS, 35 OS detected)
•Visits of robots (315 robots detected)
•Search engines, key phrases and keywords used to find your site (The 113 most famous search engines are detected like yahoo, google, altavista, etc..).
This can be a most powerful tool for marketing your web site. And for a one time setup fee of only $20, AWStats is our best value (availible to our customers that setup hosting with us).

Digital Brushstrokes, LLC 1999 - 2010
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