Flagstaff Central.com, Inc.
Flagstaff Central.com, Inc.
2532 N. 4th St., PMB# 125
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004-3731
Simply having a website doesn't mean that anyone is going to find it. It is extremely important to adequately market your site across the internet. Our company specializes in handling all of your Internet Marketing needs. We have had great success in this endeavor through the following techniques:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
One of the main keys to getting listed well on the Search Engines is in the preparation of the website. We can work on your site and do a full range of site optimization to make it stronger and get you listed better. Click here for more.
Search Engine Marketing
Submitting your site to literally hundreds of search engines and thousands of link directories. This includes most of the major search engines. If you are not in the search engines, you are not being found on the internet. Click here for more.
Site Specific Marketing
Submitting your site to other websites that are topically related to yours can drive very targeted traffic to your site. This will get you listed within your genre so that your name and link appears all over the internet. It is also good for Search Engine popularity so will make your listings even better. Click here for more.
Regular Marketing Maintenance
It is always a good idea to keep your internet marketing active and up to date. We recommend a Marketing Maintenance Plan that will continually re-submit your site to the search engines and find new site specific sites on a regular basis. Keep your information in the public eye! Click here for more.
Social Media Marketing
The latest wave of marketing on the Internet is called "Social Media" or "Viral Marketing". The idea of this marketing is to become "friends" with hundreds and thousands of people on the internet through sites like FaceBook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Click here for more.
Paid Advertising Plans
Very often we have clients that are looking for guaranteed amounts of traffic. This type of internet marketing requires a little more of a push through paid advertising plans. We can help you with your Pay-Per-Click campaigns and do Advertising Research to maximize your return. Click here for more.
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Flagstaff Web Design and Internet Marketing site is owned
exclusively by Flagstaff Central.com, Inc. [Flagstaff Arizona].
